The premium domains:, and

as a bundle, are available for purchase.

BetaMedix as a name for a website

Image of logo.

The word Beta comes from ancient Greece. It was the second letter of their Alpha­bet. In terms of what it actu­ally means, it has seve­ral preva­lent uses. In the same way as Alpha refers to the #1, Beta refers to #2, and in that meani­ng, Beta is often used to refer to things chara­cte­rized by being double or twin, as in the case of Beta Caro­tene, or Beta Carbo­nyl. One of the more recogni­zable uses of the word is in beta tes­ting, which refers to a stage of exp­eri­menta­tion, which is not a pre­limi­nary tes­ting of a hypo­the­sis. There is proof of conce­pt, yet the product has not yet been laun­ched to the general public. It is a very exci­ting and cha­llen­ging time, and can be consi­de­red the birth stage of new dev­elop­ments.

Medix refers to medi­cal. The use of x is an int­eres­ting note, that ori­gina­ted in a nos­tal­gic time when chemi­cal and nuclear dev­elop­ment were the new thing, and Eins­tein would be stan­ding in front of a black­board with a top to bottom formula with f(x){} type nota­tion and it was very impre­ssive at the fore­front of techno­logy. Inno­va­tion and rese­arch became tied to the letter x to such a degree that many compa­nies were insis­tent on having the letter x in their name. For inst­ance, Stan­dard Oil was a very big company that was broken into smaller compa­nies due to anti-trust laws seeking to avoid mono­polies. The idea was that the smaller parts of the compa­nies would compete among them­selves and lower gas prices for Ameri­can citi­zens. And compete they did. Of course, their well esta­bli­shed brand in the market was Esso, the phone­tic sound of Stan­dard Oil's ini­tials (S.O.), and it had enor­mous equity that the comp­eti­tors did not want to give up. Amidst rival­ries, legal actions ensued. Long story short, the NJ comp­eti­tor change their brand in compe­ted areas from Esso to Exxon. The choice of name, was to hold some of the Esso equi­ty, while moder­ni­zing the name. One of the para­meters required for the new name was that it had to have at least one x, to convey the company was at the fore­front of chemical inno­va­tion. Of course the percep­tion of the letter x is a matter of opi­nion, but it seems like a keen and valid obs­erva­tion, par­ticu­larly when the board of direc­tors of a major petro­chemi­cal company agreed to it. In the same way, medix hints at (bio)­chemi­cal, leading edge techno­logy dev­elop­ment.

By combining both words, the name Beta­Medix will likely be inter­pre­ted as medical techno­logy dev­elop­ment that has an empha­sis in (bio)­che­mis­try, and from which you can expect a stream of inno­va­tive medical prod­uct(s).

Given the nature of BetaMedix.­com and lack of availa­bility of domains of this nature, particularly with the .com exten­sion, it could be extre­mely valu­able to help the right buyer build their brand building efforts. And even more so with our 100% per­for­mance gua­ran­tee*G.

If you are a first responder, educator, or senior citizen, you may qualify for a stan­dard dis­count. Contact us for access to your dis­coun­ted price.

Price: $9,900

The brand power of BetaMedix marketing example image. Performance Guarantee Logo

The name Beta­Medix is a beau­tiful and visu­ally balan­ced name with a very strong pre­sence. It has a feel of sci­enti­fic disco­very in medi­cine, and conveys exci­te­ment, expan­sion, inte­llec­tual talent, techni­cal profi­cien­cy, and a commit­ment to genera­ting solu­tions that will make the planet better for huma­nity. That message is a lot of brand promise that is hard to get across in marke­ting, and it is packed into the name Beta­Medix.

The way the words in the name Beta­Medix come toge­ther into a single idea of cutting edge medical inno­va­tion, is a quality similar to a natu­ral, easy to under­stand, story­line of the name, which adds to its mem­orabi­lity. Once people see Beta­Medix, it is unli­kely they will not remem­ber having seen it before, and that makes brand buil­ding relati­vely effort­less. The name Beta­Medix is very pow­erful for marke­ting purpo­ses.

Brand names with four syllables, like BetaMedix are actually quite common. Some branding professionals feel they are too long, but they do offer additional flexibility. Examples of 4 syllable brands that are very successful are Coca-Cola™, Louis Vuitton™, Lamborghini™, Ben & Jerry's™, Mercedes-Benz™, JCPenney™, Mitsubishi™, Neiman Marcus™, Capital One™, Electrolux™, Betty Crocker™, Office Depot™, Head & Shoulders™, Old El Paso™, Auto Nation™, Kimberly-Clark™, Moto Guzzi™, Oscar Meyer™, Under Armour™, Tropicana™, Kawasaki™, Energizer™, Dunkin Donuts™, Washington Post™, Dr. Pepper™, Magnolia™, H&R Block™, Barnes & Noble™, General Mills™, Viennetta™, Continental™, GardenBurger™, and Pepperidge Farm™, among many others.

Email add­re­sses are very appea­ling in a wide range from semi casual to extre­mely formal, at all times exuding prof­essi­ona­lism and great cre­dibi­lity:


The obvious app­lica­tion of Beta­Medix is as a name for a rese­arch lab, team, or pha­rma­ceuti­cal dev­elop­ment com­pany. But it is also an ideal name for any medical service that offers leading edge trial type tech­nolo­gies, or equip­ment inn­ova­tion or nutri­tio­nal suppl­ement inno­va­tions, or an indu­stry blog or news broad­cast regar­ding medical break­thro­ughs for enter­tain­ment or inv­est­ment oppor­tuni­ties, or even a bio-hazard pro­tec­tive apparel line, in which beta could capture the idea the apparel is a second skin.

All things considered, BetaMedix.­com is an extremely professional domain, that is very memorable, direct, int­elli­gent, and allu­ring, and offers instant credibility in medical scien­tific rese­arch.

The relative value of BetaMedix.­com

Yearly sales exp­ecta­tions for BetaMedix, in some use scenarios, could be in excess of $50M per year, and if the marke­ting power of the name could incre­ase that, even if it was only 10%, by crea­ting the marke­ting syner­gies that could attract addi­tional poten­tial cust­omers and retain existing ones at a higher rate, and assu­ming a gross margin of 40%, BetaMedix.­com could be be pur­chased for $2M and pay for itself within one year. All other bene­fits of fun, pride, differ­entia­tion, supe­rior brand loya­lty, higher profi­tabi­lity, market pro­tec­tion, high memo­rabi­lity, and cohe­sive­ness, in their aspects that did not dire­ctly relate to the growth in sales, would be enti­rely free. It may seem far-fetched or exaggerated, but in reality, it is very hard to convey, just how important having a good brand name, like BetaMedix can be when marketing an offering.

Other domain names have sold at prices that sub­stan­tiate the ex­tra­ordi­nary value of BetaMedix.­com at $9,900. For inst­ance:

  •, a domain of the same length, sold a little over 3 years ago for $100,000
  • sold a little over a year ago for $400,000
  •, a number only domain, sold a little over a year ago for $32,000
  •, a non-dot-com domain, sold 11 months ago for $90,000
  •, a hyphenated domain, sold a little over a year ago for $22,000
  • sold a little over a year ago for $80,000
  •, a three word domain, sold 8 months ago for $45,888

BetaMedix.­com is a very appealing domain, and for some applications, it undoubtedly has more marketing power in its ability to create a memorable brand than any of these domains that have recently sold. We know that we could demand a higher price for BetaMedix.­com and get it, especi­ally consi­de­ring the pre­limi­nary marke­ting and rese­arch that has gone into BetaMedix.­com, and the fact that it is aged over 2 years, and comes bun­dled with 1 add­itio­nal domain to help secure your brand, and marke­ting app­ropri­ate art­work. But our desire is also to help busi­nesses get off the ground with great names that add value to their overall marke­ting stra­tegy, not merely maxi­mize our poten­tial profit holding the names until we find the buyer whose cir­cum­stan­ces would jus­tify the high­est price possi­ble. How­ever, it is good to under­stand that from this pers­pective, our price of $9,900 is 100% off of the $2M it could be worth, and an incre­dible value.

Is BetaMedix the perfect name for your brand?

BetaMedix.­com is avai­lable right now with our 100% Per­for­mance Gua­ran­tee*G. If you are decided to build your new Brand, and you have done your due dili­gence, and you know that BetaMedix.­com is right for you, then do not to hesi­tate. Wait­ing could mean lost pro­fits and opp­or­tuni­ties. Start mov­ing forward with your new brand today.

Price: $9,900

Bonuses included with BetaMedix.­com logo bundle image.

Additional domains:

In addi­tion to, you get at no addi­tional charge.

Aged domain: was originally regis­tered on the 3rd of July, 2022. It is 2 years, 8 months, and 7 days old.

Brand Bundle items:*BUNDLE

  • Release of, and owner­ship to buyer.
  • Purchase Protection Warranty. If you do not receive the domain, you pay nothing.
  • Logo in .eps format (Sca­lable Vector).
  • Website logo icon set in a vari­ety of sizes in .png format.
  • High resolution square and horizontal logo .png images, without slogan, over clear back­ground for light, dark, and color placement.
  • Business card template image.
  • List of the brand colors used in both RGB (dig­ital disp­lays) and CMYK (prin­ting).
  • List of recommended fonts for brand.
  • Branding guidelines for using fonts, images, and colors.

There is only one BetaMedix.­com. If you are int­eres­ted in having this unique, allu­ring, direct, int­elli­gent, and extremely memo­rable name to build your new brand online. Take advantage of the opportunity to secure it with this great, 100% per­for­mance-gua­ran­teed*G offer, before someone else does!

Price: $9,900

New domains are often considered to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. Often, the better domains were taken a long time ago, and as there have been fewer domains available, older domains can sometimes provide better options. Of course, an old domain does not mean it is a good name.

Old domains often have a number of visitors who arrive out of a variety of reasons. Like backlinks in past SEO efforts with the domain, or bookmarks in past visitor’s browsers, old magazine or news media could contain printed links at the end of an advertisement or editorial content (for more information visit, online directories or personal contact information linking to the domain, or people remembering the domain name and typing it in the browser. This is not the case with all aged domains, but could be the case with BetaMedix.­com.

At Max Branded we do not put much weight on existing traffic, because it can often be counterproductive. A previous use of the name would likely have been with a different application, and when visitors arrive expecting a solution related to the previous application and don't find it, they quickly leave the site. This bounce metric can give search engines the impression that your content is not good and harm your rankings. Some backlinks are also not good because they can be associated with spamming tactics and having them can also hurt your search rankings. Buying a name with 10,000 backlinks can actually be a challenge and a time-consuming chore for SEO purposes. We feel that in the vast majority of instances, it is best to start your backlinking strategy for your new application for your domain name, from scratch.

But overall, having people see your new site is a good thing, and if there is a lot of traffic, and the visitors are indeed interested in your new site, it could be fantastic, but that is certainly not a reasonable expectation of a domain at any age, it is mostly unrelated to the backlink count, which is a standard metric for the value of traffic in the domain industry, and is extremely difficult to assess for several reasons like:

What needs to be assessed Value of traffic has a lot to do with the demographics and preferences of the actual visitors related to the new application of the domain, and that information we cannot possibly know, since it has to do with a possible future application of the name, and is often expensive and time consuming to obtain because it is not readily available.

Link quality The value of each link also has to do with the credibility and prominence of the site at which the link originates, and the relative exclusivity of the backlink at the page in the source. A site with 3 good backlinks could be a great purchase, but even those might be unrelated (causing SEO issues), and are unreliable at best, because they will likely be lost once the source realizes the link destination has changed.

Backlinks often do not bring traffic or add credibility Backlink count on its own can be very misleading, as many old SEO tactics involved high volumes of garbage links, and even good SEO tactics that are relevant today create backlinks whose benefit can often be lost over time. A domain with 10,000 backlinks could have well over 9,000 of them offering zero value.

One of the issues that search engines face is the proliferation of spammers and scammers. As quickly as they are banned from results, they migrate much of their content to a new domain and circumvent the ban for another brief period until they are banned again. They are always operating on new domains, so search engines often penalize new domains.

But when a domain, like BetaMedix.­com, has been registered for over 2 years and has not been used in a manner that would get it banned, search engines will tend to rank the domain higher because it is less likely to be a problematic site.

When people see search results of similar named sites, the assumption is that the “.com” domain is the original. For instance, if we see “” and a different site at “”, we will have the impression that the “.com” is the official site. The sentiment is mirrored in feedback from search engine algorithm updates that reportedly affect “.com” extensions less, because sites with “.com” are sites that on average, indeed have the greater authority.

There are many domain extensions today. However, studies have shown that people trust “.com” more than the same name with any other extension. It is also something we intuitively know because we search for things online, and Credibility is critical, and “.com” has more of it.

It is not the same to stand at a traffic light in a Porsche than in a Volkswagen… It is not the same to drive a Jaguar, than a Ford… In the same way owning a great domain that is an original .com, has its status. It is not the same to say “I own”, than it is to say “I own”. The difference is actually huge.

We make assumptions of the quality expected from the services of a person by the level of professionalism by their point of contact. For instance, if Adam started a business and called it "BetaMedix", he would have a tough time getting people to buy from him if his point of contact was “” because it is very unprofessional. It would be more professional to have the email "", but the most professional and likely to attract customers would be "”. Marketing studies conclusively support a single fact: professionalism sells. And a clear, engaging, and memorable “.com” domain is the top end of the professionalism spectrum.

In the business world, we place our contact information on business cards, advertisements, printed marketing, stationary, directories and many other places. When people glance at the information, they immediately recognize “.com” as the ending of a website or an email address. Often people have doubts as to whether “.co” is a typo, and can fail to recognize other extensions as a web address. The gold standard is “.com”.

The Brand Bundle price for is $9,900, and is payable to Max Branded via It is our compensation for releasing the ownership of the domain, and delivering the available above mentioned bonuses.

Please refer to disclaimers below, terms and conditions and our privacy policy that govern the release and delivery of the bundle items.

When you purchase, it needs to be transferred to a registrar account in your name. Max Branded covers any expenses that may arise in the release side with our registrar, however, you are responsible for whatever fees your registrar of choice imposes on the transfer in. Some registrars charge a fee to transfer in a domain, but usually registrars only charge a one year extension to the domain registration, effectively transferring the domain in at no charge. The registration fee is due for all domain names, on a yearly basis, as a normal expense of owning a domain.

BetaMedix.­com comes with Of course, the extra domain is of lower value, but still, the average price per domain is only $4,950 and that is an amazing deal for domains with this kind of marketing potential.

Specifically: Professional educators at accredited institutions, senior citizens who are 70 years or older, and first response. Namely, military personnel, paramedics/EMTs, fire rescue, and law-enforcement. If you indeed qualify, we thank you for your service and hereby pay our respects to your contributions. Hopefully, we give back to you with both the extra 10% off, and your success with the BetaMedix.­com brand.

Any purchase of 3 or more similarly priced Brand Bundles can be evaluated for an additional discount, within reason. 10 or more similarly priced Brand Bundles will result in approximately an additional 10% off.

We increase the price of Brand Bundles based on a number of factors, including market shifts that may produce opportunities, partnerships that may increase our expenses, and the devaluation of the US dollar. If you were intending to purchase a domain and we recently increased the price before you were able to finalize the decision to buy, let us know to consider holding the price increase for you.

Our price is designed to be haggle-free. We know that we could get four or five times the price for any of our Brand Bundles, so we will not accept lower offers for our Brand Bundles. We invest rather extensively into each Brand Bundle and feel confident in the value that the BetaMedix.­com Brand Bundle will bring the customer who takes it to market.

As a rule of thumb, our price is much lower than what we feel the monthly marketing budget should be for a venture, so theoretically, the business venture using BetaMedix.­com, will be spending no less than $9,900 every month in its advertising campaigns. With that in mind, over the first 5 years, the price of the Brand Bundle is less than 1.7% of the marketing budget, which is nothing in comparison to the benefits it is expected to bring. The reason our pricing is so far below what we feel is attainable, is because our mission is to help new business ventures succeed in today's challenging market conditions. Discounts will not be considered unless there is a reasonable and fair cause to take the time to consider a discount.

Assessing return on investment is the responsibility of the entrepreneur / investor. If you agree that the return for the price of BetaMedix.­com will be great, then there is no valid price objection.

Making financial arrangements to cover business expenses and cashflows is another important job of every entrepreneur. If any of our Brand Bundles is truly unaffordable to any entity, then the chances that entity will be successful using the Brand Bundle are minimal, simply because the entity lacks the financial resources to launch successfully. They will struggle to afford employees, essential services, inventories, R&D, startup costs, overhead up to the breakeven point, and the myriad of unexpected expenses that are sure to arise in the course of business. From our perspective, with our high value proposition, there can be no valid affordability objection.

Our selection process involves research on the name and it’s meaning in western cultures, assessing all the qualities we list as important in name selection, including distinctiveness, relevance, phonetic appeal, length, memorability, and the emotions the name evokes, among other parameters. We rate our findings and select only the best. BetaMedix passed our criteria with flying colors.

Traditionally, naming a new business venture involved a group of people brainstorming and coming up with possibilities, then discussing the options, and clarifying preferences, then checking the availability of those names’ domains. With domain names being as scarce as they are today, it is likely the name is not available, and if the domain is not available, then it is back to brainstorming. This iterative process can ultimately end in a name that is not very good because there tends to be lower quality in each iteration. And perhaps equally importantly, it is very time consuming, and expensive. Checking Max Branded’s name recommendations is a great shortcut, since there is additional marketing insight filtered into those names already. Also, checking through the names allows you to get a first impression of the feel of the name when seeing it for the first time. It is very valuable insight, and is practically impossible to get when brainstorming, because you have been playing with words for so long that the names feel like a collection of prioritized possibilities, rather than a business. The result is less time to market and a superior name.

Marketing design allows us to better understand how the name will feel in use, and you get to keep the copyrights with your purchase. We developed the logo of BetaMedix.­com to be appealing, brandable, trademarkable, and flexible for different marketing needs, including being rendered in black and white, and being scaled down to a 16px X 16px favicon among many others. Having the preliminary marketing also means that you are not starting from scratch developing your site. With a few adjustments, the site design can be ready to launch, saving time and money and creating a very appealing end result that produces a strong brand following. Having professional marketing support from the initial design stage means less problems later on when designs often reveal issues that make them unsuited for some marketing needs.

We feel that our domains deliver superior value to those of competitors simply because of our marketing research, extensive prescreening, and the wealth of experience behind the rigorous selection process. In addition to that, BetaMedix.­com is offered with even greater value with bonuses like being aged over 2 years, and coming bundled with logo artwork, the extra domain, support images and color palette recommendations. The detailed bonuses included with BetaMedix.­com are listed in the "Bonuses included with BetaMedix.­com" section above.

Many online suppliers are guarded, playing in what seems to be an adversarial role against their customers with their cards close to their chest. Their online offerings often hide their price, and other information. Granted, their domains are probably very valuable indeed, and sticker shock can prevent people from contacting the seller, and each entrepreneur has the right to do business as they wish. But at Max Branded we are 100% transparent. Our offering is very straightforward. We research and screen hundreds of thousands of names and source those with the most potential, we then develop a brand appeal with marketing designs to enhance the power of the name, and provide the package to our customers with the intent that our efforts will serve them in building the new brand they dream of. Our efforts are in line with our customer's interests, we hide nothing, and our transactions are in the spirit of win / win.

In marketing we use statistical data to validate our interpretation of market opportunities. And of course there is great value in it, particularly in the feedback areas to better understand how people are engaging with our offering, where they are coming from, and what preferences are met and unmet. This process should be the core of the marketing evolution of a company. However, in areas where a market has not yet experienced a product (prior to launch), it can be very difficult to use statistics because there is no reliable data available. Even a focus group of target market customers, which is very advisable, can be tricky to manage and can give wildly incorrect data, even when well managed.

There is a phenomenon that challenges data. It is the opposite of Murphy's Law, and could be expressed as "If the business can be successful, it will be." And it relates to the drive of the entrepreneur. It is a severely underrated marketing influence. The passion to bring something new into the world, the strength of courage, facing competition, and uncertainty, while carrying the weight of responsiblity for employees and the effects of the business in the community. It is sheer will power, and it is fueled by belief. if you, as an entrepreneur, feel that BetaMedix.­com is the right name for your business, and you know it down to the core of your bones, you just know…

We believe the value of is much higher than the $9,900 we list it for. We have incurred real expenses developing it, other domains are selling for much higher prices, and as we stated before, an entrepreneur could pay $2M for it, and have it pay for itself within a single year. The potential value is enormous indeed, particularly considering the price includes 2 domains. We therefore, consider our price to be very low already, and "haggle-free". Feel free to click the "Buy Now" button, and submit payment to own, agreeing to the terms and conditions of Max Branded.

Once the bundle payment clears, notifies Max Branded that they are holding the funds related to the purchase of, and we are to deliver our part of the agreement.

Max Branded gives you the auth codes to start the domain transfers of, and, and provides you with the bonus items per the domain purchase agreement.

You use the auth codes we have provided you, to transfer, and into your account in the registar you chose.

The transaction with has an inspection period of 4 days, where you have full ownership of the domain and can ensure you have indeed received what we promised to deliver. You can confirm approval by express communication acknowledging the receipt of the marketing resources and auth codes that worked transferring, and into your registrar account, or implicitly accept by simply not denying the receipt. Either way, you are in control.

With the acceptance of receipt of the domains and bonus resources, per the terms mutually agreed upon in advance, releases payment to Max Branded, and the transaction is concluded.


*BUNDLE Bundle item graphic alterations of color and/or size are included at no additional charge, but not major custom alterations.

*G The Performance Guarantee is limited to money actually received by Max Branded for BetaMedix.­com, and is offered only to support a legitimate effort to launch a business, while responsibly using BetaMedix.­com. Learn more about the terms of the Performance Guarantee.